

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

9/11: Are We Done With This Yet?

9/11: Are We Done With This Yet?
Jan 11, 2012 by Victoria Noe
"Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close"Around the time of the 10th anniversary of 9/11, several major newspapers - including the Chicago Tribune and New York Times - took a look at the response of the arts communities to 9/11. The results were varied and somewhat disappointing.The authors of the articles wondered aloud why there were no iconic plays - like Rent - or films - like Philadelphia - which addressed the AIDS epidemic. There’s no shortage of documentaries: the building of the World Trade Center, the attacks, the search for bin Laden, the “truth”. But that’s different. Even Paul McCartney’s 9/11-inspired song “Freedom” fell flat. Why?Grief is a complicated thing. For those directly affected by 9/11 - friends and family -...
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