Kenneth Doka
D is for “Disenfranchised”

Apr 04, 2011 by Victoria Noe
I’m on an A to Z blog challenge, and today is the 4th day of the challenge. That explains the pithy title. ;)I didn’t know when I decided to write my book that there was such a thing as “disenfranchised grief”, coined by Dr. Kenneth Doka of the College of New Rochelle, in 1989. In the 2002 revision of his Disenfranchised Grief: Recognizing Hidden Sorrow, Dr. Doka observes how the grief a friend experiences can be dismissed:“Often there is no recognized role in which mourners can assert the right to mourn and thus receive such support. Grief may have to remain private. Though they may have experienced an intense loss, they may not be given time off from work, have...
Types of Grievers
Feb 21, 2011 by Victoria Noe
What kind of griever are you?One of the hardest things for some people to understand is that everyone grieves in a different way. Throwing yourself back into your “normal” routine may be perfect for some people, but the worst possible thing for others. I’m not even talking about gender. The differences I’m talking about today are personality differences. Of course, gender, ethnicity, even age may have an influence on these behaviors. But that’s what they are: responses to a situation. Personality and behavioral assessments are used in business every day: Enneagram, Meyers-Briggs, DISC. In Dr. Kenneth Doka’s book, Disenfranchised Grief, he offers a description of different types of grievers. You may see yourself and others in these descriptions:1. Intuitive: Some...