

Al Katkowsky

Books for the Special People on Your Holiday List: Part 2

Books for the Special People on Your Holiday List: Part 2
Dec 14, 2017 by Victoria Noe
Last week I offered some shopping suggestions for the hard-to-buy people on your list. All turned out to be nonfiction and memoir by women. This week’s list is equally eclectic, with books by men and women this time.

For your writing group leader, who always begins your meetings with a writing prompt - Question of the Day: Where Truth is the Dare by Al Katkowsky







For the theatre fan in your life, as well as the person who can’t read enough history - Hamilton: The Revolution by Jeremy McCarter and Lin-Manuel Miranda






For nonfiction writers at all phases of their careers - Draft No. 4: On the Writing Process by John McPhee






For anyone curious about the experience of Muslim immigrants to the US, a very...

Finding Community at a Writer's Conference

Finding Community at a Writer's Conference
Jul 06, 2016 by Victoria Noe
The 2011 WDC Pitch Slam. Every bit as terrifying as it looks.

Not long ago I blogged about my experience at Book Expo America. Now I’m preparing for next month’s Writer's Digest Conference in New York.

It’s my 6th one (7 if you count LA a few years ago). The one I attended in 2011 was my first writing conference and I was terrified. I had no blog (that started a few weeks later). I had no Facebook author page (that took longer). I started tweeting on my way to New York. I had barely started writing. I learned a lot that weekend, in spite of myself.

As always I have a plan: what I want to accomplish...
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