

Metropolis Coffee

November Death Café Schedule

November Death Café Schedule
Nov 06, 2013 by Victoria Noe
UPDATE:The November 20 Death Café location has moved to St. Gertrude's Church. Same time, same registration process.New address is 6214 N. Glenwood (about 5 blocks west of Metropolis). Enter through the Ministry Center and look for signs directing you to the choir room."Sometimes I think it’s easier to talk about this topic with complete strangers, which I think can help open the door to talk about it with family and friends.”That was a comment from a participant in one of the Death Café events I’ve co-facilitated in Chicago. I love it, because it’s so true for many people.We’re all going to die someday – though hopefully not anytime soon. Most people have no problem talking about food or politics or...
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