Be My Guest on Friend Grief

James Montgomery Flagg
In addition to interviewing people for my books, from time to time, I invite people to share their experience grieving the death of a friend. Now is one of those times.
Oh, you’d like to, but you’re not a professional writer? Don’t let that hold you back!
Would you feel more comfortable simply answering a series of questions? We can do that!
In general, here are the requirements:
  1. The experience you describe must be related to the death of a friend. They don’t have to be a close friend, nor does the loss need to be recent. It just has to be about a friend – not a family member or pet.
  2. If you choose to write it yourself, I’d like something that’s no more than 600 words.
  3. You must be comfortable with your work being edited by me.
  4. Include a bio and photo. The photo can be of you, your friend, or the two of you together.
  5. Submission is no guarantee that I will use it. But if I don’t, I’ll explain why.
  6. Include social media links: your website or blog, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. Those links will be included at the bottom of your article, but only those you wish to share.
  7. Themes can include how you and your friend dealt with their illness, promises you made to them before they died, anger about their death, challenges you faced in grieving them, and what you do now to keep their memory alive.
So, that’s it – pretty simple! There is no deadline, though I’ll be posting the first one next month. If you have any questions, just email me at
Know someone who’s lost a friend? Share this information with them.
I can’t wait to read what you have to share about the friends who were so important to you. And I know everyone who reads Friend Grief will be excited to read about them, too.
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